Finance Tips That Every  Startup Founder Needs To Know

Sujata K



“Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1.” 

-Warren Buffett, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Berkshire Hathaway and the fourth-wealthiest person on the planet.


Creating a successful business from the ground up is one of the most difficult things to do. You need to be able to deal with a lot of different things, such as intense competition, shifting market conditions, locating the product-market fit, and many other things. While going through all of these, there is a chance that you will make a typical error, which is something that the founders of most startups do. This error is due to the lack of an appropriate financial plan. In addition, making this error may result in the closure of your company altogether. As a result, in this blog, we have provided you with a few financial pointers that will assist you in avoiding some of the common financial mistakes that many business owners make. We hope that these pointers will help you navigate the challenging path that lies ahead of you as you work to realise your dreams.


Learn about the Cash Flow.


One of the primary reasons for the failure of many new businesses in their early stages is a lack of available operating capital. This problem can be caused by a number of factors. Because of this, you need to make sure that every single rupee is accounted for. Where it has come from, and the direction in which it will travel. In addition to this, you need to comprehend the rationale behind the expenditure of each rupee.


If you aren't aware of how much money is coming in and going out of your business, you are putting your startup in a precarious position. The rationale behind this is that it does not matter how fantastic an idea you have; as soon as you run out of money, you will have no choice but to close up shop. Because of this, it is imperative that you create an accurate budget and that you adhere to it no matter what.



Limit Your Expenses From Day One


The secret to living a long and healthy life is to restrict your spending to only those things that are absolutely necessary right from the start. You don't have to hire fifty people right away, for instance, and you don't have to locate your office in the heart of your city if you don't want to. There are a lot of other things you don't have to do.


You have to put a cap on your operating expenses so that you can direct the majority of your resources toward expanding your business. Many new businesses fail because their founders place too much emphasis on the wrong aspects of their operation, such as luxuriant office space or an excessive number of amenities that aren't required, rather than making revenue generation their top priority.


Keep an eye on and record the spending.


Because your business is still in its early stages, you may find that keeping tabs on all of your expenses requires a significant amount of effort and time due to the numerous sources from which they originate. However, if you believe that employing a full-time accountant right from the start is the first step, then it won't be cost-effective. You can, alternatively, make use of free accounting software in order to organise all of the expenditures and monitor them.


If you do this, you will not only improve your ability to manage your cash flow, but you will also be better prepared to handle the annual task of filing your income taxes. After some time, the management of your startup's finances is going to become more difficult; at that point, you should give some thought to employing an accountant to help you out.


Acquiring New Customers Ought To Be Your Number One Priority


If you don't have any customers, then you don't have a business, and this is something that you need to comprehend, because once you do, you'll be able to devise strategies that will allow you to bring in customers. Your chances of building a successful business are significantly improved if you begin exploring alternative avenues for the acquisition of customers as soon as possible. Furthermore, once you've determined the best channel for customer acquisition, you can work on optimising your processes in order to keep your costs under control.


In addition, you need to concentrate on one profitable acquisition channel because it is impossible to test every possible acquisition channel, both in terms of the cost required and the amount of time consumed by doing so. When you have successfully scaled your business using one channel and have sufficient financial capability, you can then move on to exploring other avenues.


Plan Financial Goals


Simply fantasising about creating a company worth a billion dollars won't be enough to get you there. In order to achieve this, you will need to plan out your monetary objectives and divide them up into weekly, monthly, or even daily milestones. If you do this, you will be able to maintain your current course of action and make adjustments as and when they are required to ensure your continued growth.


Celebrating the accomplishment of milestones is a good idea because it will help you feel more confident and will keep you motivated as you continue on your journey as an entrepreneur.





These are just a few words of advice regarding money matters. There are going to be a variety of highs and lows along the path of creating a startup from the ground up with the ultimate goal of turning it into a billion-dollar company. These peaks and valleys can make your journey more challenging because you won't be able to anticipate them.


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